Maki Hayashida
Maki Hayashida (b.1984, Japan) is a Tokyo-based artist who uses photography as a means to challenge visual representation within her research-based practice towards ecological and social issues. Mainly concerned with the relationship between consumer activity and nature, her work reflects photography's ambivalent relationship with the environment, simultaneously exploring the materiality and reproducibility of this media in the digital age.
By completing her MA in Photography at London College of Communication in 2023, her practice has expanded into installation-based work from bookmaking. In doing so, she is aiming to provoke deeper thinking towards our surrounding world.
She began her photographic career in 2014, after her self-made photobook, “JAPAN-GO-ROUND,” produced at Reminders Photography Stronghold workshop in Tokyo, received international acclaim. She has been shortlisted for the LUMA Rencontres Dummy Book Award in 2023 as well as awarded the Grand Prix at Dummy Book Award of Singapore International Photography Festival in 2020. Her work has been exhibited internationally and domestically, including Singapore International Photography Festival (2016), FORMAT International Photography Festival (2019), and KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival KG+SELECT (2021). She was awarded the 17th 'shiseido art egg' and presented a solo exhibition at the Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo (2024).
林田 真季
2007年 関西学院大学総合政策学部卒業
2023年 ロンドン芸術大学ロンドン・カレッジ・オブ・コミュニケーション MA Photography 修了
主な個展に「第17回shiseido art egg 」(資生堂ギャラリー、東京、2024年)、「Almost Transparent Island」(Reminders Photography Stronghold、東京、2019年)、主なグループ展に「高井戸芸術祭」(高井戸駅前、2024年)、「KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真祭 『KG+SELECT』」(三条両替町ビル、2021年)など。主な受賞歴に「アルル国際写真フェスティバル LUMA Rencontres Dummy Book Award」⼊選(2023年)、「シンガポール国際写真フェスティバル Dummy Book Award」グランプリ(2020年)など。
< Essays >
‘Water & Mountains: A Wonder-Land on Ecology and Society’ Soanyway, Issue 17, Autumn 2024.
岡部匡志「第17回 shiseido art egg 林田真季展」『美術展ナビ』2024年2月22日
タカザワケンジ「美術評 第17回 shiseido art egg 林田真季展」『東京新聞』夕刊、2024年2月9日
住吉智恵「【第17回 shiseido art egg 連動企画】アートの新しい目 Vol.1林田真季」『花椿』2024年1月29日
「会社員の私が、インスタグラムで福井県・三国の魅力を発信する理由って?」 『SMOUT移住研究所』2018年12月
「写真テーマは「外国っぽく見えること」 地方を巡る写真家が伝えたいものとは?」『cazual』2018年4月
Almost Transparent Island, installation view at ISSP show, 2018
I dream to be a lively and elegant woman in my 90s.